How To Cover Spread


Spread your net — spread your ˈnet idiom to consider a wide range of possibilities or cover a large area. 'Like Snow White on Acid' is how the work of.

  • Box;
  • cloth;
  • - scissors;
  • glue;
  • - threads;
  • - needle;
  • - stapler.

You will learn how to place low risk spread trades. Plus you will learn how to make it a hedge trade by having one box spread set to cover a majority of. What is the meaning of spread in Forex? Definition of Pip and Bid-Ask price, How to calculate costs of spread by lot size?

Make pattern for the fabric covering. It must be a scan of your box. For example, for covering square boxes measure its side and draw four identical squares touching the sides, and two for the bottom and lid. From all sides of the pattern add a 1.5 cm seam.
Cut fabric and detail with help of the iron smoothen all folds (allowances) on the wrong side.
Try attaching the fabric to the box with glue. Find the special composition suitable for fabric – anyone else would appear on the surface spots.
Apply glue with a stiff brush on the entire area of the box. If you do glue the 'seams' only on the perimeter, after drying, they will be visible. Spread one side of the box and carefully attach it to the material. Smooth it from the center to the edges, smoothing the folds and removing air bubbles. When one side is ready, proceed to the next. Do not lubricate the box too thick layer of glue – it can warp the finish.
Also the fabric can be covered up with the seam 'back needle', using Gypsy needle. The puncture site in the tissue in advance mark with a pencil so the stitches were the same length. If the box is very crisp, transfer the markings on its walls and make holes with the awl. Then panel box, picking up threads, equal in thickness to diameter of puncture.
The edge of the fabric you can sew with the front side - any decorative stitch. Especially carefully treat the choice of colors and textures of thread in this case, because they should become an additional decoration. Also the seam can be hidden, Nachev over a number of beads or sequins or gluing the top right color of the thin ribbon.
If the style box allows, attach the material using furniture stapler. Place clamps at equal distance from each other or 'laying out' of a solid line. Protruding from the back side of the box the edges of the wire bend.
© tab1962/getty images Large repair patch on natural grass with bushes in background

The Family HandymanHow to Grow GrassThe Family Handyman Senior Editor, Travis Larson, shows you the right way to reseed a bare spot in your lawn.

You finally have your lawn just how you want it — green and lush and thriving. Then, all of a sudden, a bare spot appears. What to do? To find out why bare spots occur, and how to fix them to return your lawn to its splendor, we checked in with Joe Churchill, senior turf specialist with Reinders, Inc. to share his insights and tips.

Why Are There Bare Spots In My Grass?

There are several possibilities, Churchill says, and chief among them are dogs, turf disease and human error.

If a dog is relieving itself on your lawn, that can create so-called dog spots, or dead patches of grass that turn into bare spots. And turf diseases such as patch diseases kill grass in circular shapes. Over-fertilizing in one spot, spilling gas while filling the mower and using a grill hot enough to toast the grass underneath are all typical ways you might accidentally cause bare spots yourself.

'Generally, spots don't just show up without any reason,' explains Churchill. 'A bare spot is a dead spot, and it's a remnant of something else that's gone wrong; it's almost like bare spots are scars.'

How To Cover The Spread Nfl

How to Repair Bare Spots

The cause, of course, determines the cure.

If the bare spots are dog spots, Churchill suggests flushing the area with water to move excess salt through the soil. Afterward, prepare the soil for repair by scratching it up, even adding in some new soil to make the area level with the rest of the lawn.

If the cause of the bare spot is disease or other growth issues, Churchill says to 'scruff up the straw or dust from the dead area, add new soil and mix into the existing soil.' Then overseed the area and water in as you would with new grass seed. If the area is bigger, you may want to consider sprigging or sodding to fill the bare spots. Generally, reseeding the spots will do.

How To Cover Speaker Boxes

Once you repaired the bare spots, Churchill says you shouldn't need to change maintenance practices, other than spot-irrigating the areas that were reseeded, sprigged or sodded.

Will Grass Spread to Bare Spots?

That depends on the type of grass in your yard.

If your lawn is Kentucky bluegrass or Bermuda grass — two of the most common in the northern and southern U.S., respectively — you may be in luck: The grass should spread to fill bare spots, Churchill says. Those grasses have runners, meaning vine-like stolons above ground and stem-like rhizomes below ground. 'They generate plants off the mother plant and will creep in and fill in bare spots on their own,' he says.


Additional types of 'running' grasses to consider in southern climates are St. Augustine, centipede grass and zoysia grass. In northern climates, creeping red fescue is an option.

According to Churchill, your chances of having an existing spreading grass are higher in the south. Many northern grasses are bunch-type grasses which don't spread, so you'll need to reseed to get grass to fill in. Consider perennial ryegrass, chewings fescue or tall fescue, all bunch-type cool-season lawn grasses that can be used to fill bare spots. Note that tall fescue should only be used to fill in bare spots in an existing tall fescue lawn.

How To Cover Speakers

'Tall fescue doesn't play well with others,' Churchill says. 'It can get clumpy and unsightly if used as an overseeder or to patch repair grass in, let's say, a Kentucky bluegrass lawn, or Bermuda grass lawn.'

How To Cover Words On Powerpoint

Not exactly sure what kind of grass you have? Check with a local lawn care provider, garden center or extension service.